Opportunity Works has a lovely partnership with Newburyport Art Association. The Executive Director, Wanda Strukus, led a wonderful virtual tour of Love is LOVE! at the Newburyport Firehouse Center for the Arts for our participants on ZOOM in March. This virtual tour was a great bridge between the people we support who are in our Newburyport facility, Haverhill facility, and remotely at their homes. Wanda described many of the works on display while engaging the participants in the artwork.

love post
[Pictured is a screenshot of the Zoom Tour at the Firehouse. The image in the center is a red and pink floral painting, and there are a few Opportunity Works participants visible at the top along with a staff and NAA’s Wanda Strukus]

Exhibit Description:

“Created to celebrate love in all its forms and the artful joy of our community, Love is LOVE! features 32 artworks in acrylic, oil, mixed-media, pastel, photography, and printmaking that respond broadly to the theme of love. NAA Executive Director and co-curator Wanda Strukus gives you a tour of this lively exhibition with its many interpretations of love: poetic, cheeky, abstract, amiable, tense, unrequited, effervescent, ambivalent, surprising, romantic, and joyful!”

Check out the NAA exhibition schedule for upcoming shows!

Thank you to Wanda Strukus, Jenna Signore, NAA volunteers, Firehouse Center for the Arts, and the artists featured in the exhibit for this opportunity!

By Jillian Sacco